Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Paper Bead Door Curtain

Photos by tzejen via flickr. cc licenses.

When I was a little girl, I had a much older cousin who had a bamboo door curtain (oh, so popular in the seventies), a big jar of peacock feathers and her house always smelled of dried eucalyptus. My 6-year old self was fascinated.

I am equally fascinated with this door curtain made by some innovative (and patient) person in Beijing. It's made entirely of scrap paper wrapped paper clips. Click on top photo to view very large!


  1. that is really neat! and judging by the fact that it's in an actual door, maybe i can assume they don't get too tangled up? i'm putting it on my list of closet-door solutions.

  2. I had a Greek friend Sophie who had a beaded doorway, which to my 10-year-old self was the height of glam.

  3. Strovska, you should try making one! And send me a picture.

    Bromeliad, I think our childhood selves must have had similar concepts about what was "the height of glam".

  4. My grandmother made a curtain for one of her windows from paper beads. I think it took most of a (long) winter to make them. Its beautiful and my aunt still has it hanging.


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