Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Kid Craft: Ric Rac and Button Bracelet

If you sew at all, chances are you have bits of ric rac and odd buttons sticking in your sewing basket that you'd be more than willing to put to good use. This bracelet is a quick and easy project suitable for kids that lends itself to being replicated over and over. Here's how to make a ric rac and button bracelet:
You will need: A needle and thread, 1 inch strip of elastic roughly  twice as wide as your ric rac, two strips of ric rac approx. 8 inches long (smaller kid's wrists can use less) and a large button.

 Twist the ric rac together so it looks like this.

 Sew one end of the ric rac to the strip of elastic. Check to make sure that the bracelet is going to fit. Trim off some ric rac if it seems too big. Sew the other end of the ric rac to the elastic. Sew the button to the middle of the elastic to cover it up. 


  1. Hi There! Just posted about this great craft over at Craft Gossip! Hope it gets you a few extra clicks!

  2. OMG! This is soooo cute! I looooved it! I just saw it on Craft Gossip thanx to The Mommy Teacher! :)

  3. Thank you Bromeliad and Alia!

    And thanks very much Brie, for posting over at Craft Gossip!

  4. i love this! i have a huge stash of vintage buttons, all singles, and i never know what to do with them. and i love ric rac. will be making lots of these!

  5. Gracias por compartirel tutorial del brazalete, saludos desde México.

  6. What a cute idea :)

    I run Fun Family Crafts, a site similar in nature to Craftgawker and Spotlight, but different in that it's a library of craft tutorials geared only at kids. I have featured your fun post here

    FFC also accepts submissions! Please consider this an invitation to submit as many kid friendly craft tutorials as you like. I look forward to seeing what you submit!

    If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above.

  7. cute ideas for kid in summer. thanks


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