Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tutorial: Macrame Button Ring

I have a little collection of antique buttons so I decided to combine a few of them with macrame to make a little ring. Here's how I did it:  

Cut two pieces of string 14" long. I used #10 bamboo crochet thread. You will also need three shank buttons, one small and two tiny.

Thread one string onto the small button and thread the other onto one of the tiny buttons. Pull through so that the button is at the center of the string.

Thread both tails of the tiny button's string through the hole in the small button.

Choose any tail and thread the remaining tiny button on to it.

When you turn the buttons over, it should look like this.

Check the length as you go along and stop when the buttons and the knotted string are long enough to go all the way around your finger.

Take on of the tails extending from the square knot senet and thread it back through the center button. Pull it tight and knot. Make more knots as needed to make the junction stronger. Clip the tails off and dab the cut ends with clear nail polish. When the nail polish is dry, try the ring on. If the buttons seem a bit "floppy" use a needle and sewing thread through the holes in all of the buttons to draw them closer together and knot securely.   


  1. io sono molto piu'sfacciata, amo i colori forti :-) ma questo anello è delizioso, sei bravissima e grande fonte di ispirazione per me.

    maria luisa


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